Wednesday, December 21, 2011

time is up.


Summon humanity, one of the divine tribes.
Guided by Those known above and below
The time has come to awaken, and seal away
The worm in the blue star.

A SLEEPING GOD | "I had this dream, where I was walking alone on the street. I noticed that I had many shadows, though it wasn't that dark at all.  I looked up and I saw nine gigantic full moons in the sky, all with the image of mother Mary carrying baby Jesus."

dream's interpretation | The course of your life (lone walk) will be altered, because power resides in your spiritual potential that is unable to come to light (the shadows).  Nine is the end of all things; the moon is the ancient keeper of time. A natural end shall come to your former spiritual understanding (mother Mary carrying baby Jesus), and suppressed spiritual powers shall be released.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "This dream began with me wandering around a really large toilet. I ran out of time in that place and left quickly.   Outside a man gave me a buzzer, and told me and a few other people that the lucky few whose buzzers didn't go off wouldn't get hurt.  Mine did; it left a massive wound on my leg.  I tried to run away, knowing that everyone was looking for me.  I was hobbling up this steep road, dragging a suitcase but I don't know what was in it."

dream's interpretation | Emotions that have not been properly cleansed (the large toilet you wander around) turn into the ticking time-bomb of self-sabotage.  For some, their lives never come to a point where they must confront the pain; for you, confrontation is unavoidable.  The emotional baggage you carry (suitcase with unknown contents) complicates your walk through life (steep road).  Go back and  cleanse your emotional being.

A SLEEPING GOD | "I was talking with my family, when suddenly I was taken before a king whose face shined as bright as the sun. Coming closer to me, I now see he is a handsome man with a beard, and eyes that glow like those of a cat. Everyone in the room is smiling, including the king. Now back on the street with family, the city is on fire. In front of me were three garbage bins, two of them neatly gift-wrapped and the third open and pouring garbage. In the sky are three giant cell phones, displaying a countdown.  I cried bitterly, knowing time was running out on the world, yet people were unconcerned, just going about their business.''

dream's interpretation | A prophecy of things to come; the end of our familiar, inferior way of thinking (the ground view with your family) (spiritual deconstruction; the burning city).  Unique, god-like powers within each individual (beard; power) (independent spirit; cat's eye), is the truth that shall finally be revealed (perceiving the king's face); the gift of knowledge will finally have us throw away our old ways (garbage pouring out).  The era of validation for the awesome schemes of heaven is upon us (self or personal validation; cell phone) (a sealed totality; the number three) (a fate; a countdown).

A SLEEPING GOD | "I had a dream last night that I was in a small dark building.  I sense this is a campus as well. It is very dark and stormy outside. I walk up to a mirror on the wall, and instead of my reflection I see a figure, a ghost. It brought one hand up and pointed a gun at me. I turned to run, and the last thing I remember is being chased by this figure out of the building and into the storm."

dream's interpretation | There is a lesson you must learn (sense of the campus): the "emotional storm" of trying times and inner turmoil can also stir the spirit within.  The ghost, half in this world, half gone to another, reflects a window of time you have to construct a better view of your Self (the noticeably small dark building).  You may be forced to undergo the turmoil needed (the gun and chase), to leave an inferior identity behind.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

guidance for mortals.


Sleeping goddess; sleeping god,
Do not disease wonder.
The real hands that shaped the World
Guide mortals by a dream.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "For two days I was dreaming about temples.  I visited a big temple where I saw many idols of gods and goddesses, and worshiped them.  At last I saw the god Hanuman give me four laddoos in 'prasad'.  I am actually waiting for job and praying for help.  What does this mean?"

dream's interpretation | Distress creates the illusion of chance, and chance the illusion that we must solicit the gods to move outcomes in our favor.  But real favor -- grace -- is a gift from the gods (the four laddoos in prasad).  A mind strengthened by this knowledge bears strength like that of Hanuman.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I dreamed a whole group of us were eating Chinese food at an outside table.  I went to a mailbox on a grassy hill, and when I opened up the lock box I found more Chinese food and engorged myself.  Someone came up to me and said 'hey, you need to share that'!"

dream's interpretation | Partaking in others' knowledge, humanity, companionship, and other capacities they are willing to share with you (eating chinese food with others) is a cherished part of life. As you discover your own unique gifts and contributions (the chinese food you find in the mail box), remember that it was meant to be shared with the world, not kept to yourself.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I was sitting with a little girl, who I recognized as a friend from my youth. Some sort of ceremony was about to start.  A small neanderthal-like man, looking quite primitive, came waddling up to an  altar. There he took his place between two idol statues and was crowned a god, completing a trio of idols. People from the past, ancestors, came in transparent form to witness his arrival. The whole scene felt tribal and superstitious. While the girl I'd been sitting with thought it was good, I thought it distasteful that the people were worshiping idols and this small man, instead of the One True God [dreamer's emphasis]. I thought to myself how primitive these people were, and the girl in turn thought I was narrow-minded.

In the next sequence I was in an operating room, very sterile and brightly lit.  I was lying on an operating table about to undergo neurosurgery."

dream's interpretation | An ancient power returns, to consummate another human spirit (the completion of the three idols), just as it has come to countless generations before you (the ancestors who look on as you become one of their number).  Something belittled (short stature) may be greater than your estimations.  Starting all over again (the girl from your youth), allow power that is innate and eternal to life on Earth to forge the very head that governs your thinking (the "primitive" man crowned a god).  

Minds that degrade the ancient ones as "primitive" (according to some narrow-minded religiosity) must undergo total psychological reconstruction and healing (neurosurgery operation).  Do not fear; embrace what waking experiences come.

A SLEEPING GOD | "I had this dream a while ago, and have always wondered its meaning.  I'm being led into this long hall, half overgrown with vegetation and looking quite ancient.  The person leading me is God.  He does not look how you would imagine: he is a giant with radiant, gold-tinged skin; his eyes are perfectly round, like Japanese anime eyes, and he is very skinny.  His legs and arms look like tubes."

dream's interpretation | A timeless journey lies ahead, that may be unfamiliar to our normal ways of thinking (the ancient hall overgrown with vegetation).  True divine being displays vulnerability before the world (skinniness) -- open, receptive, and unarmed mentally before all ideas and experiences (Japanese anime eyes).  This is the true pillar of faith: the openness of one's heart.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011



Photographs capture fringe reality.
Beyond the highest perch of Illumination, 
Beyond the farthest removal of exiles,
The truth appears at the square gate.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "My grandfather passed away three months ago. Lately I have been dreaming that I am looking at pictures we took as a family.  They were taken without him, but in the picture he is with us. As I show them that he appeared in the pictures, I then turn and see him but he tells me not to tell the people surrounding me that he is there."

dream's interpretation | Though it may seem he is no longer with us, your Grandfather is "still part of the picture".

A SLEEPING GOD | "I go outside with a guy. He has a dog with him and he is about to take photos of the dog seated on a table.  This table is made of plastic, but it is a marble-looking plastic table. Either he or I say, 'It doesn't matter what quality the table is -- it just matters how it looks for photography.'"

dream's interpretation | Phony accomplishments give rise to airs, not genuine contentment (the dog placed on the plastic "marble" table).  Real contentment (the dog) arises from Self-knowing, based on nothing less than a fitting environment to express its natural gifts and talents.   Do not insist it is real enough now.  Rework the foundations of your lifestyle and thinking, to give rise to genuine satisfactory achievements.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I dreamt of being in a recreational center, rock climbing, and lots of men I know in my actual life were there. My ex-boyfriend was also there, and he was very muscular. I then saw pictures of him, in which he said he had 'tagged' me but they were all of him alone."

dream's interpretation | A difficult climb lies ahead (rock climbing).  Recall all good memories and positive associations with males (the men you know in your actual life) in order to strengthen your mind against a formidable negative association (the muscular ex-boyfriend). Your feelings are still attached, even if in reality the two of you are not (the pictures with you tagged, yet not present). Subduing strong, inner emotions is the real personal challenge (recreational, development grounds).

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I was underwater in the ocean. I was scuba diving to 'get there', but I don't remember what I saw. Then I remember being above water again, and showing my mother photos. There was a photo of a guy terrified, with his body half in the water and a shark right behind him. We were talking about the shark and how it got there.  The rest of the photos were of my old childhood friend, back when we lived in a different country. I was telling my mom her story and showing the photos."

dream's interpretation | Search deep within your soul (scuba diving).  Through means unknown (not remembering what you saw) you will bring crucial truths  to the surface (the photographs).  Reflection upon the very foundations of your current mentality (in mother's company) shall occur.

FEAR, you will discover, is at the root of your identity (photo of a man with a shark right behind him).  How did this come to be?  More introspection is needed.  You will also discover where authentic living left off (the reĆ«mergence of the childhood friend), and how the story can be reclaimed and resumed.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

changing routes.


Routes and destinations can change,
But the hand that rocks the helm seals a fate.
The heavens wing us to Eden; 
Iron will steams toward its mirage.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "In my dream I was driving and suddenly the car veered onto a narrow exit.  I was now going in a different direction than I planned, and couldn't get back on the main road."

dream's interpretation | A vision at the onset (the main road) now faces dwindling options.  Adjustments made to ensure that it survives are misleading; the vision itself is what requires adjustment.

A SLEEPING GOD | "A stranger I had been toying with somehow got into my house, and was alone with my little girl.  (I don't have any children in real life.)  In a flash I realized my carelessness, and tear a path back home to her.  But he would have his way, I couldn’t stop that.

Instead of directly harming her, he forces her to watch as he tortures her pet spider. Knowing how much it means to her and to me, he poisons it. It stumbles about in obvious pain and disorientation. She cries aloud, and I too cry. It ends with me beating the uppity prick to a bloody pulp."

dream's interpretation | An alternative, unknown potential within yourself (the stranger) can embodied.  The potential comes at the price of your precious, spiteful attitude (girl-spider complex).  The loss of the malignant pleasure derived from this mentality appears too much to bear.  For the love of an illusion, change and transformation is violently repressed.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I dreamt of a deformed fortune-teller in an old wooden box.  She asked if my birthday was October 6th, my ex-boyfriend's month and day of birth. She then stated, 'You are no longer meant to be together.' Then I found myself leaving with a man, to go to a park with kids."

dream's interpretation | Deeply-upsetting revelations (the deformed fortune-teller) were sealed away, and have been a long-time in coming: your fate and identity are no longer tied to someone in destiny; a split has been made, and the Lovers will go their separate ways.

People can and do trample their own Good, becoming unworthy of what the Universe once willed for them. Good is not then left to pine in ruin; it is set on a new course, to meet with its proper reward elsewhere (leaving with room for a new possibility; new man) (traveling towards new dreams; kids).  Believe in abundance, and the garden of life ahead.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I dreamt I bought a bunch of new shoes, mostly dull-colored flats.  A female acquaintance (who is well-traveled in real life) pointed in the direction I could find some sassy heels.  I now notice the department store looks picked-over and empty.  When I ask the girl at the counter for help, she directs me back to my acquaintance who says, in a puffed-up attitude, 'I already told her where.'  I wanted to buy high heels, but I didn't want to deal with her attitude."

dream's interpretation | The mind is looking for what it needs within a scope or environment that doesn't carry much else to its benefit (the barren department store).  New ideas, endeavors, and senses of direction (new shoes) fall flat. The solution is to add more "color" (risk, fun, adventure, scandal, etc.) to life, shown as the acquaintance who points the mind in the right direction.

Confusion (re-requesting directions) stems from a lack of real travel out of your comfort zone.  It begins with acknowledging that something outside your "sphere of value" (the barren store) is considerably desirable, and therefore deals an uncomfortable truth: other "approaches to life" (shoes) may be "superior" to your own.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

rigid thinking, harsh hearts


Rigid thoughts are made out of water.
Lithe emotion fuels unbending illusions.
Help is on the way; air is just beyond,
Walk right through the iron walls.

A SLEEPING GOD | "I tour a place built entirely of plastic.  Plastic perimeter, plastic houses, made of see-through plastic wood.  I realize this has something to do with Three Mile Island, or some type of nuclear strike.  People near the plastic houses go underground for cover. They literally pull the earth, the dirt and the trees over themselves like a blanket."

dream's interpretation | Life has somehow become limited to dwelling within an artificial identity (plastic perimeter and plastic housing).  The mental construct itself must be eradicated: global transformation of your identity shall occur.  Do not shore up your defenses, against messages from heaven you interpret as destructive.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I see a cartoon 'Prince Charming' swim for treasure. He goes above water and everything turns from cartoon to the real world. We put the treasure on a bed, and I had to cover it and lie on it because several mean girls were trying to take it from me."

dream's interpretation | An ideal companion is expected to fulfill all your needs and Self-validation -- the value (treasure) he easily picks up, deep down. An unrealistic mentality (cartoons) will not allow value to be placed on the many talents and character traits you possess, shown as the 'mean' girls that are not allowed to interfere with your value placement.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I went to a lab to work on a project.  The lab monitor knew I was bipolar. (I am in real life.) My female friend worked on a crossword.  A guy wouldn't do his part. It lead to him being killed by a gangster and me getting shot by the gangster as well.  I ran into a room, where my brother was waiting.  We both suddenly possessed a pink quartz crystal.  He put them together, and they formed a shape like a hawk."

dream's interpretation | Experimenting with love is an important task at this time (the project).  A negative self-assessment (the knowing lab monitor) rigidly pre-fills your ideas of what is possible (the friend filling in the crossword), ideas that are ultimately unhelpful.  Think outside the box; such a self-conception should be "shot down".   Rather, the love a woman has to give, combined with the love of a male she can identify with (the pieces of quartz held by you and your brother respectively) creates Love with all its original, liberating heights (the hawk).

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "From a balcony I spot a homeless guy.  I hear he's mentally insane and out to kill.  He has a gun and he's shooting at me, but I manage to just get grazed by his bullets.  This leads to a chase around a house.  I get trapped in a room and try to dial 911 but can't.  By now he's going to break down the door, so I jump through the window and find my boyfriend with a gun trying to catch the guy too.  Finally the guy and I are in a backyard and I'm shooting, but my bullets seem to bounce off him."

dream's interpretation | Balconies grant dreamers a better view of their issues. You are refusing to accommodate your mate's needs (the homeless man), interpreting his demands as "crazy". You feel his assertions are being forced on you (shooting at you), though you may be apathetic, barely affected by his viewpoint (bullets grazing).

The chase represents the hounding issue.  Should you acknowledge information you are avoiding and shutting out?   The way you are reacting is invalid (unable to dial 911).  Coming back with demands of your own (the armed, 'ideal boyfriend' you've animated) once more only causes arguments to bounce off the other party and go unheard.  Stop and reflect.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

strangers, tramps and thieves.


If you encounter a kidnapper, go willingly.
A thief, do not claim it;
A stranger, know him better.
All vagabonds seek chambers in the heart.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I dreamt I was in a parked car. Two guys, one black and one white, were around my car. They stole the locks on the car. I held on to my purse, honking my horn. To my right were other people in parked cars. It was at night."

dream's interpretation | All energies and potentials are immobilized by a niche, space, or status in waking life (yourself and the other parked persons).  Ideas of this situation are dim and misleading (nighttime setting).  Spiritual forces sent to overturn this predicament cannot be locked out.  Open your mind to change.

A SLEEPING GOD | "I was walking with a stranger.  We go by people in a wedding party, doing some rush photography. There is a black homeless man sitting there. Someone says to me that it doesn't seem right that they are right by where the homeless man was taking those opulent photos.  As we walk away, I see an older black man sitting in an older, classic car with a wedding party. "

dream's interpretation | A walk with a stranger reveals the unknown course.  Rushing to prove completion and accomplishment now (rush photography) leaves important information out of the picture.  It is wrong to shun and impoverish inconvenient aspects of your Self; there will come a better way, with these components included (the 'older' future black man, now in a wedding).  Resist the urge to act at this time. 

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "A handsome stranger seemed to know me personally. He hugged me and when I asked who he was, he said he was a submarine driver. That clued me in. I got away but another girl was taken. I ran to the others gathering, and I pointed out two people who were wearing black and red shirts as the kidnappers. Someone asked me how I knew it was them, and I said, by the clothing, that was how I recognize people."

dream's interpretation | Attractive ideas and opportunities cannot be embraced, because they could drive towards deeper emotional experiences (a submarine driver) (underwater; driven by emotional influences).  Part of yourself desires connection (the kidnapped girl), but the mind instinctively interprets such ideas as a threat. Arousal and alarm (red) caused by any contact with the unknown (black) is not necessarily a threat.  Evolve your personal boundaries.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "In my dream, the main character on a set was a princess. The antagonist is another girl dressed like her, who also wanted to be a princess. The princess chased after her in some sort of maze.  A rescue helicopter arrives, and throws down a rope. The princess held on, and below are calm waters as the helicopter lifted up. We did a Take 2. Everything was the same except in the end, the princess just looked up at the helicopter and refused to take the rope. I think this time she knew or realized it was also an antagonist."

dream's interpretation | Putting on the airs of one that is valuable and privileged was ruined by some enviable individual who stole the show (the antagonist!).  Reclaiming the spotlight has no straight-forward solution (the maze).  Lost within the twisted, distorted reasoning of narcissism, help and rescue comes by accepting the precepts of higher powers (rescue helicopter's rope), and thereby ascending into higher understanding (calm waters).  If "the princess" remains indignant, salvation will be construed as another threat to the ego's phony self-conception, and all is lost.  Choose wisely.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

death and destruction.


Disaster is not what it seems.
Knocked-over brine is replaced with nectar & potion.
Time reveals the full consequences of Loss,
And its true identity: Restoration.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I dreamt of a big black bear jumping through very clear windows, into a living room which I believe was where I lived. Shattered glass everywhere. The bear landed right in front of me, and at first I was fearful but then all of a sudden there was calmness. We became attached and I think I may have tamed him."

dream's interpretation | A great and powerful force has arrived, to shatter your rigid beliefs and psychological barriers. In the end you will find that it has opened up your perspective.  What once seemed soul-destroying will be remembered as an act of grace.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "In my dream the whole world was shaking! Everything was so loud; buildings were crashing or falling into sink holes.  I distinctly remember the road had cracked in front of me and the other side of the earth was raising up. I woke up in total shock and fear."

dream's interpretation |  Earth-shattering disaster heralds massive alterations in the dreamer's identity and thinking. The once solid foundation for your views and assumptions have given way. As the former course you were on is destroyed, a new, higher course is raised before your eyes.  Ascend it.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I am in a basement with other people. Something has been stolen. The thief is just outside. Pushing through my fear, I force the door open to confront the thief. I am surprised by a large group of shrouded people. I say to them, “You have stolen our prayers!” But I immediately realize everything is okay, nothing was stolen. I go back inside."

dream's interpretation | Powerful reassurances are flowing into your subconscious.  You are not robbed of your hopes, dreams and aspirations; confront these feelings, and realize that nothing is lost: its is simply evolving, and cannot be grasped concretely at this time (in the hands of the unknown; cloaked forms). Be still, open, and receptive while it is redeveloping.

A SLEEPING GOD | "Female friends had just given birth to beautiful children. I was doing everything I could to avoid seeing the actual baby.  Then I was traveling, not sure where I was headed, and I come upon unfamiliar coffee shops.  It's important, to me if not to you, that you realize these were old-fashioned, diner-styled coffee shops. These places consisted of people speaking about topics I could not, and did not try very hard to hear.  Occasionally a friend I hadn't really seen since the cancer diagnosis would invite me inside to join them and their new friends. I never wanted to join. It was all just too uncomfortable.

I was swept into an intense conversation. One person in this row of walking, talking, philosophers kept grabbing me by my arms and asking me how many times I had died. He asked these questions in relation to Christmas, somehow. I think it reflected something in my psyche about missing my parents and preparing to miss my wife."

dream's interpretation | Do not ignore the truth of where you are headed: not to oblivion, but to an upcoming rebirth (the beautiful babies).  Be open and receptive to the gentle heart-to-heart of guiding forces, who wish to inform you of all things about your upcoming departure. Do not feel uncomfortable with what they have to say, especially what conflicts philosophically with what we here have taught you comes after death.  Let the strange truth take a hold of you, that death is not the illusion of loss and separation we have taught you. You may need to realize that existence (Life) is one inspiring, never-ending story; replace your sorrow with joy and solace, like the pure joy felt on Christmas Day.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

transport, river of time.


The River carries and cleanses the astray.
Abandoning its bends is folly.  Follow your heart.
The journey ends curiously at the beginning:
Once Fledglings, shivering from baptism, emerge able to fly.

A SLEEPING GOD | "I dreamt I was struggling against a fast-moving river. My ex-girlfriend is standing on the riverbank. No matter how hard I swam to make it onto the bank, the current washed me down the river."

dream's interpretation | Let go of the past; do not struggle to return.  Allow unseen forces to take you to new chapters of life and love.  Faith in the future story creates the journey.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I stand next to a very fast-flowing river, which I sense is very dangerous. It has locks and wires along it. Suddenly, though I don't know how, I am in the river being swept along.  After several minutes of struggling I have traveled to Biblical times. As I wander through a dungeon, I see rooms with people being tortured. I end up on a balcony with an enormous hostile crowd below me. I raise my hands above my head in surrender and they lower their weapons."

dream's interpretation | The symbolic river clarifies and evolves the mind.  The ego senses its downfall and ultimate demise (surrender), locking away its powerful revelations.   But the clever river reveals the truth by means which the ego is not prepared... ...Religiosity turns the soul into a prison, where 'undesirable' aspects of one Self are viciously condemned.  The tyrannical mentality must be taken down (the final balcony scene).

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I always dream that I'm flying. There is always a river, and someone running behind me. They want to catch me, but I don't know why. Then at the end I always jump down into the river, or many times in a sea."

dream's interpretation | Unbridled exhilaration leaves important information behind.  Go with the flow of life (the river) or spend more time in the world (the sea), before identifying what makes you a free individual.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I am standing on a high cliff, looking down on a town along a river. The people in the town go about their daily lives. A voice from the sky that sounds like my own says, 'The people in the village better not make the man mad or he will trouble the waters'. Suddenly, the currents in the river get higher and faster. The river gets very muddy and starts to rise and flood the town."

dream's interpretation | Gain a better view (stand on a high cliff) of the situation: personal peace and relative order is far too dependent on someone else's disposition.  Move on with your journey, in spite of loss (the town being flooded) and your own murky understanding of the future (the muddiness of the river).

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

the road to love.


Real love is the dawn of a new age.
Its arcana is Judgment.
A surprise encounter on the road to destiny;
The angels of Asia will show the way.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "In my dream I see a boy coming back from a farm house. He is dragging a dead woman's body by her hair, which he dumps near the house. I grab the boy by his hair and, holding him off the ground, I proceed to walk around the back of the farm house towards some crop. On the way I see a dead male lion, and a lioness comes toward me growling. The lioness runs towards me and snatches the boy from my hands, then runs towards the crop."

dream's interpretation | You are forbidden to continue, with the ideas you are carrying. These ideas (the little boy) kill part of your destiny (the body dumped beside the farmhouse) in order to move toward its view of prosperity and success (the crop).  Not only do these priorities sacrifice your dreams, but those of your future mate (the dead male lion).  Whether or not you understand, the Promise within you will not allow it.  Prosperity shall elude you until you rework your ideas with future love in mind.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "In my dream last night, I was in a ballet class. We were being evaluated by two administrators, an Asian male and female. They told me that I needed more practice, and the girl asked the guy to recommend private studios in the area. When I heard this I was upset because to me it meant they were not accepting me, so I turned around and walked away."

dream's interpretation | A spiritual appraisal is occurring, of your personal balance. An Asian male and female are the perfect balance of love; more is needed to achieve this important balance.  Do not feel indignant.  Love and companionship is a necessary step to all personal balance and harmony.  The Universe will assist you.

A SLEEPING GOD | "Last night I dreamed a woman needed to get something, in which I offered to help her. We then crawled through some tubing into a room of pipes. She undressed to her underwear, looking quite beautiful. Then she told me we need to go deeper inside. That's when an alarm sounded and water started to form in the area we were in, and I heard screams from people who apparently came with us."

dream's interpretation |  Intimacy is possible to a certain point, but any deeper delving into your private self triggers an emotional reaction (the water, and the people screaming). Give a woman the deeply-satisfying love she needs; be willing to open up all levels of your Self.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I am late for an Asian lady's class.  She knows an impressive amount of martial arts. Then I see a young, happy, idealistic couple getting married in a lake. A friend of the bride watches from afar jealously. The bride comes over to her and hands her a single large beautiful red rose, but when the jealous friend takes it something terrible happens to the bride: she faints or falls into a deep sleep."

dream's interpretation | Learn that love is a natural, excellent response (martial arts) to your given situation.  Observe the truth about love: filling one another's needs and emotions, the couple in the middle of their lake.  The inner pessimist declares it unobtainable and idealistic.  If it encounters the truth and splendor of love, the beautiful red rose, it immediately suppresses it.  Silence this voice; respond at the ready to the gift of a man's affection.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

the tree of life.


The tree is the original inner totem.
A living map of legacies and lifelines; a reference for the gods.

Be rooted by faith in the Universe first;
Be grafted to the lifeline of spiritual forces.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I stood by an empty plot of land.  There is a lone tree at the end of the plot. I gaze around and suddenly notice a ghost (!) up in the air. It seemed to gesture painfully, as if nobody cared about it. Suddenly all in one motion, it landed in my arms, wrapped its own arms around me, laid its head on my shoulder, and died. I woke up sobbing in great grief."

dream's interpretation | Nothing has been built upon your Self; your true destiny lies empty and desolate.  A prolific life was never realized.  Ghosts, half in this realm, half gone to another, are possibilities which expire if their window runs out.  What should have been, and Who you should have become, has finally passed away forever.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "A strange dream: there was a governor and his wife, mixed up with marijuana. And a large statue on my old school grounds, which is being auctioned off before they tear the school down. A wasp chasing and stinging my husband, and a large old tree that someone chops down."

dream's interpretation | A domineering man (the governor) gains a false sense of empowerment (marijuana) from his status.  He is the subject of hot, passive-aggressive anger (the wasp that chases and stings him).  It is a time of rebellion not only against his tyranny, but against your upbringing and beliefs -- the revolution occurring on your learning grounds, and that longstanding, unquestioned tree that finds itself being cut away.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "Standing on a beach, I looked out across the water.  I knew that something was wrong. I began running towards a large and great old tree with bare limbs, and as I did the water pulsed forward, biting at my ankles. I flung myself into the tree, and without a second to spare I held my breath as the water surpassed my head. I knew that I could either let go and hope for the best, or drown with the tree."

dream's interpretation | On the cusp of all that is known, grounding and familiar (the sand) and all that is unknown and yet to be discovered (the waters), you lose heart and doubt your future.  Fear turns the unknown into a threat, so that we re-cling to outdated supports, shown as the old, dried-up tree. Allow the world to sweep you off to new realms and discoveries; do not "drown" and refuse to break away.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I had a dream that I and a group of people were trying to find our way in an extremely rural area. We walked down a straight, unpaved, white dusty road. One side of the road was a broad and barren field with a single tree in the middle. On the other side, was a lush and green field that was lined with green trees and flowers. As I looked towards the barren field, I noticed that there were no houses, no barns, no livestock. Nothing except that one tree."

dream's interpretation | Embark down the noble course, with all available strength and resources (the accompanying group) to find your way. Souls like yours are rare, as the not-so-trodden road and sparse human presence attest.  The tree is a sign that a life-story begins here; do as children of Eden (the lush green field) and develop your Self. Where there is no house, no barn, no development -- it all waits on you.  Tend the true task that lies in your heart.