Wednesday, October 19, 2011

the tree of life.


The tree is the original inner totem.
A living map of legacies and lifelines; a reference for the gods.

Be rooted by faith in the Universe first;
Be grafted to the lifeline of spiritual forces.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I stood by an empty plot of land.  There is a lone tree at the end of the plot. I gaze around and suddenly notice a ghost (!) up in the air. It seemed to gesture painfully, as if nobody cared about it. Suddenly all in one motion, it landed in my arms, wrapped its own arms around me, laid its head on my shoulder, and died. I woke up sobbing in great grief."

dream's interpretation | Nothing has been built upon your Self; your true destiny lies empty and desolate.  A prolific life was never realized.  Ghosts, half in this realm, half gone to another, are possibilities which expire if their window runs out.  What should have been, and Who you should have become, has finally passed away forever.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "A strange dream: there was a governor and his wife, mixed up with marijuana. And a large statue on my old school grounds, which is being auctioned off before they tear the school down. A wasp chasing and stinging my husband, and a large old tree that someone chops down."

dream's interpretation | A domineering man (the governor) gains a false sense of empowerment (marijuana) from his status.  He is the subject of hot, passive-aggressive anger (the wasp that chases and stings him).  It is a time of rebellion not only against his tyranny, but against your upbringing and beliefs -- the revolution occurring on your learning grounds, and that longstanding, unquestioned tree that finds itself being cut away.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "Standing on a beach, I looked out across the water.  I knew that something was wrong. I began running towards a large and great old tree with bare limbs, and as I did the water pulsed forward, biting at my ankles. I flung myself into the tree, and without a second to spare I held my breath as the water surpassed my head. I knew that I could either let go and hope for the best, or drown with the tree."

dream's interpretation | On the cusp of all that is known, grounding and familiar (the sand) and all that is unknown and yet to be discovered (the waters), you lose heart and doubt your future.  Fear turns the unknown into a threat, so that we re-cling to outdated supports, shown as the old, dried-up tree. Allow the world to sweep you off to new realms and discoveries; do not "drown" and refuse to break away.

A SLEEPING GODDESS | "I had a dream that I and a group of people were trying to find our way in an extremely rural area. We walked down a straight, unpaved, white dusty road. One side of the road was a broad and barren field with a single tree in the middle. On the other side, was a lush and green field that was lined with green trees and flowers. As I looked towards the barren field, I noticed that there were no houses, no barns, no livestock. Nothing except that one tree."

dream's interpretation | Embark down the noble course, with all available strength and resources (the accompanying group) to find your way. Souls like yours are rare, as the not-so-trodden road and sparse human presence attest.  The tree is a sign that a life-story begins here; do as children of Eden (the lush green field) and develop your Self. Where there is no house, no barn, no development -- it all waits on you.  Tend the true task that lies in your heart.