1. So what is this exactly?

Dream Odyssey is about exploring dream symbology, in order to reveal life's mysterious connections and secrets.

2. Who is writing all of this?

Please view the About section.

3. Aren't we all too different for dreams to be interpreted?

No, all dreams are decipherable precisely because life repeats its message in all its states -- in thought, in nature, in us, and in dreams.  When society fails to emphasize the hidden constants and patterns of life, this exacerbates our astonishment and resistance to such basic knowledge.

4. Can I send in my own dreams to this?

Of course; come to http://on.fb.me/iDreamt.

5.  I don't remember my dreams...

Dreams are always more vivid around times, experiences and decisions that affect the ultimate outcome of one's life.  Try to remember these first, and in time "everynight dreams" will begin to fill in as well.

6. Did the sender of the dream agree with their interpretation?

You can read most reactions and reviews on http://on.fb.me/iDreamt.